New in Home Entertainment – April 23, 2013

New in Home Entertainment

April 23, 2013

Gangster Squad
Rated R for strong violence and language
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

We all know that the phrase “based on a true story” can be exaggerated but Gangster Squad just might be the worst abuse of that moniker that I’ve ever seen.  That being said, this overly-stylish little gangster movie about the notorious Los Angeles kingpin Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) and a group of cops that take him on is a nice bit of mindless entertainment, but nothing more.  Overall, the performances are uninspired even though the actors look like they might have had a fun time filming.  The one positive note is that it makes me want to revisit one of my favorite crime dramas, The Untouchables, which I will most likely do this coming weekend.  C+

Promised Land
Rated R for language
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Matt Damon and John Krasinski co-write and co-star in this little indie about a natural gas salesman (Damon) who goes into a small American town in order to convince them to allow his company to tap into their resources only to find opposition from a young out-of-towner (Krasinski) who is determined to thwart his every effort.  There are a lot of surprises here, especially given the subject matter, that lend to a very entertaining experience that is slightly less educational and preachy than it looks from the outside.  Hal Holbrook lends a nice voice to the film as a local who is not convinced of the company’s sincerity while Rosemary DeWitt plays the single girl in town forcing the two leads into a very unconvincing and contrived love triangle.  Damon and Krasinski are both terrific as the commercial arch enemies.  So while the film might look like a green-skewed message movie, it ends up just being an interesting story with a good cast and some nice twists.  B+

The Central Park Five

Not Rated
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Documentarian Ken Burns, famous for his award-winning stories about American history, tackles a great injustice played upon five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem who were arrested and convicted for raping a white woman in Central Park in 1989.  They spent between 6 and 13 years in prison until evidence proved them innocent.  As expected from Burns, this is well-made doc that will both infuriate and possibly reconfigure your paradigm about our justice system.  It flat out made me angry and helpless at the same time.  A


Starring James McAvoy, Vincent Cassel and Rosario Dawson
Directed by Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire)
Rated R for sexual content, graphic nudity, violence, some grisly images, and language

    A young UK art auctioneer (McAvoy) gets entangled with a group of criminals (led by Cassel) when he protects a hugely valuable piece of art from being stolen by the crafty gang.  After the foiled heist and a bit of torture, they force him into hypnotherapy by a beautiful young therapist (Dawson) to try to remember where he might have put the painting once they realize that an injury sustained during the robbery has left him with amnesia. 

    I was shocked to see a Danny Boyle film released with such little fanfare.  After all, he is one of the most respected directors of our time and his films are usually so enjoyable.  This one saw very little attention and they didn’t even hold a press screening, which gave me a bad feeling about what I was about to watch.

    The good news is that while the film has no chance of becoming a hit – it is still somewhat interesting.  Boyle has a signature style that captures your attention and doesn’t let go until the very end.  The bad news is that the subject matter isn’t nearly as enticing as you think its going to be after the first act. 

    The performances here are all solid and really showcase the actors’ talents.  I’m convinced that Boyle has a real gift for getting exactly the right performances from his casts and this film is no exception.  In addition, his pacing is phenomenal.  Yes the production feels a little ADD, but what a way to dress up a movie. 

    That being said, the story itself is where the film suffers.  I love the idea of art theft, but the movie is really about hypnotherapy and the twist that leads to the third act (for which I can’t disclose).  Unfortunately, by the time the third act came around I lost empathy for all of the characters and just wanted to see how they’d survive or meet their doom.  I wasn’t cheering for anyone.  When that happens, you are ultimately taken out of the picture and, in my opinion, just wasting time.  C+

New in Home Entertainment – April 9, 2013

New in Home Entertainment

April 16, 2013

Django Unchained
Rated R for strong graphic violence throughout, a vicious fight, language and some nudity
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

In Django Unchained, a freed slave named Django (Jamie Foxx) helps the man who freed him (Christoph Waltz) with some bounty hunting in exchange for a hand in getting back his wife from a notorious slave owner (Leonardo DeCaprio).  If you’ve been in a box and aren’t familiar with writer/director Quentin Tarantino’s unique style, then fair warning – his films can be offensive to some.  If you are a fan of his work or just enjoy edgy movies – then you should love his newest western.  It is incredibly violent but still extremely fun to watch.  The jokes will hit you from all sides as will a few blood splatters.  I found this to be about as entertaining as you can get and was excited to see the film take home a couple of Oscars for both Screenplay and a supporting actor trophy for Waltz.  A

Unrated but contains graphic violence and language
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Local Houston area film maker Larry Wade Carrell writes, directs and stars in this terrific little indie horror B-movie about a mentally disturbed man (Dylan Horne) who goes on a killing spree when a tragedy occurs with his loving young niece (Grace Powell).  Sure its a genre movie with a low budget, but its great to see how good a local project can get with limited dollars and only one star (Michael Biehn) in the credits.  The overall production is more than decent and the pacing of the story makes it one you should check out when reaching for your next horror film.  B

Future Weather
Available on DVD

Yet another good little indie is this film by Jenny Deller about a brilliant young 13-year-old girl (Perla Haney-Jardine) whose mother abandons her leaving her only $50 to fend for herself.  With a reluctant grandmother (Amy Madigan) to care for her and a caring school teacher (Lili Taylor) to inspire her, she become a responsible adult much sooner than she should.  Sure its a little Lifetime-y, but if you are in the mood, this is a well-acted, well-written story that most will find engaging.  B

Repo Man: The Criterion Collection
Rated R
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Alex Cox’s cult classic about punks, capitalism and an alien invasion is getting the Criterion Collection in this loaded set.  In a career-making performance, Emilio Estevez is a young hoodlum who starts repossessing cars to make a few bucks when he attempts to take back a car with a hefty reward and something deadly in the trunk.  The film is a crazy and sometimes incoherent mess, but it sure is interesting and keeps you on your toes.  If you are a fan you will love this set which includes a new 2K digital transfer, a collectors book and more special features than I’ve ever seen on a single disc.  B-

New in Home Entertainment – April 9, 2013

New in Home Entertainment
April 9, 2013

Hyde Park on Hudson
Rated R for brief sexuality
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Late last year when I heard Bill Murray was going to be in a biopic about President Franklin D. Roosevelt I immediately thought that one of my favorite actors would be the talk of the town come awards time.  Boy was I wrong.  This little indie about the indiscretions of the great leader has some potential, but rather than living up to that potential, it turns into one of the most dreadfully boring movies in recent memory.  The movie comes in at 94 minutes but the thing plods along so slowly that you are lucky if you fall asleep and unlucky if you try hard not to and succeed.  The performances are merely adequate and while the production itself is quality, the directing by veteran Roger Michell (Notting Hill) is just painful to sit through.  C-

Planet Ocean
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

From Yann Arthus-Bertand (Home) comes this spectacular straight-to-video documentary about the ocean with a story that is unique among its green-themed colleagues.  Visually stunning, the film is intended to drum up support for a movement, but rather than just say “look how pretty our planet is – please save it” this doc goes into scientific details that are much intended for a more educated and open-minded audience.  Exploring the natural mysteries of the ocean as well as its relationship to humans and commerce, the movie will end up making you feel much more intelligent than before you sat down to watch it, and without the preachiness of other recent nature docs.  This film was presented to the leaders of the Rio+20 conference in June 2012 and is sure to be a staple in science classrooms around the world.  A

John Dies at the End

Rated R for bloody violence and gore, nudity, language and drug content
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

When a new street drug emerges that allows its users to travel across time and dimensions starts to have some undesirable side effects, two college dropouts attempt to save mankind from a very weird invasion.  Normally I would have never even watched a film like this but seeing Paul Giamatti as an actor and executive producer piqued my interest.  Unfortunately, I found the film to be overly bizarre and hard to follow.  Also, I am convinced that the filmmakers were trying too hard to make a cult classic that they forgot to create an enjoyable experience.  It seemed to me that much of the humor was completely random and that current street drugs might have taken part in the actual writing of the project.  Ultimately it feels like a student film that got lucky enough to have an A list actor show up on the set.  C-

Ginger & Rosa

Ginger & Rosa
Starring Elle Fanning, Alessandro Nivola, Christina Hendricks and Annette Bening
Directed by Sally Potter
Rated PG-13 for mature disturbing thematic material involving teen choices – sexuality, drinking, smoking and for language

    Ginger and Rosa are two teenage girls growing up in London during the 1960s, trying to figure themselves out as well as the world around them.  In the shadow of the Cuban missile crisis, as well as family strife at home, Ginger must come to terms with her lousy choice in friends and her less than ideal parents. 

    In spite of coming in at only 90 minutes, this little indie feels oh so long, mostly due to its extremely uncomfortable subject matter.  For half of the film you wonder where they are going with the story and then the second half you wish they hadn’t gone there.  I don’t want to give anything away, but I think its safe to say that this movie takes its audience to a pretty miserable place. 

    That being said, its not a horrible film just because its not an entertaining one.  Elle Fanning is budding into an exceptional actress and if she keeps turning in these kinds of performances she just might beat her sister Dakota in the race to win an Oscar.  The rest of the cast, even while playing very ugly characters, also turn in great performances. 

    Ultimately this film is about loss of innocence as seen through the eyes of a young girl.  Not maybe in the way these stories are traditionally told, but definitely in regard to a naive teenager coming to the realization that adults lie and scheme and also make huge, huge mistakes that manage to drag down everyone around them. 

    The biggest warning I must give here is that you must be in the mood for a film such as this.  Personally, I wasn’t, and it made a huge difference in my overall enjoyment, making it more of an intellectual exercise rather than a great or even decent movie-going experience.  C+ 

New in Home Entertainment – April 2, 2013

New in Home Entertainment

April 2, 2013

The Sweeney
Rated R for violence and language throughout and some sexual content
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Based on an old 70’s UK TV show which most Americans will have never heard of, The Sweeney is the name of an elite group of police officers tasked with taking out armed robbery and violent crime in the streets of London.  Led by a tough old brute, played by Ray Winstone (Sexy Beast), the group of cops will do anything to take down the bad guys, even if it means bending or breaking a few rules.  Winstone and his team are a lot of fun to watch, even if the plot is completely predictable and the the dialog needs a translator, or at least subtitles, to help navigate the way.  Overall the film is likable and will satisfy most fans of British crime dramas.  B-

To the Arctic
Rated G
Available on DVD and Blu-ray/Blu-ray 3D

This short IMAX documentary explores the arctic by following the lives of a mother polar bear and her two cubs as well as a group of walrus and caribou.  You get the feeling that the walrus and caribou were just there to fill time since they probably didn’t have enough polar bear footage, but even if that is the case, the film is still a decent enough nature doc.  The photography, especially the daring underwater footage, is spectacular and really looks great on a big home theater system.  Too bad the preachy narration by Meryl Streep starts to get annoying very fast. They could have made a simple and impactful point by showing their example of arctic ice melting, but instead opted to pelt the audience over the head with climate change talk that essentially states “what part of this are you idiots not getting?”  I wish they had an audio track that simply muted Streep and boosted the many Paul McCartney songs placed throughout.  B-

The Sandlot: 20th Anniversary Edition
Rated PG for some language and kids chewing tobacco
Available on Blu-ray

Yes, The Sandlot was released on Blu-ray just two years ago, but since it’s now 20 years old I guess we need it again.  The film itself is a great tribute to youth and baseball and its hard not to find some nostalgia while watching.  I am surprised that they didn’t put together some great special features here to make this new edition stand out a bit, like maybe a reunion commentary track, but then again, I’m not sure I have enough interest to do anything except watch the movie again.  B

Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War
Available on DVD

I remember the ads for this Time Life miniseries running on television so many years ago, and now, decades later, I finally got the chance to see this 26 episode documentary covering the entire length of the Vietnam War.  I really only intended to watch a few episodes, but since most of them run under a half-hour, and because the series is so engrossing, I managed to sit back and watch the whole thing in one long sitting.  It is a fascinating look at the war that cost us way too many American lives and really dives into the good, the bad and the ugly of the conflict.  The set is dated for sure, but that only adds to its authenticity and impact.  A

New in Home Entertainment – March 26, 2013

New in Home Entertainment

March 26, 2012

Rated PG-13 for an intense scene of war violence, some images of carnage and brief strong language
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Arguably Steven Spielberg’s best film since Saving Private Ryan, Lincoln tells the story of the last days of Lincoln’s life, and possibly the greatest, as he attempts to get congress to ratify the 14th Amendment, and thus emancipating the slaves.  Masterfully acted by Oscar winning legend Daniel Day Lewis with several other terrific performances including Tommy Lee Jones and Sally Field, Lincoln is a showcase worthy of winning the big trophy this year.  I am not alone in my belief that the the only reason it lost the Oscar to Argo was that Ben Affleck did not get nominated for best director and the Academy revolted.  This really is an historical masterpiece that will be enjoyed and studied for decades to come.  A+

A Royal Affair
Rated R for sexual content and some violent images
Available on DVD and Blu-ray
Danish with English Subtitles

Yet another historical drama is this Oscar-nominated foreign film about a young queen who has an affair with the insane Danish King Christian VII’s royal physician.  With a wonderful narrative and stunning production values, A Royal Affair proves to be engrossing and fascinating while still attempting to be as historically accurate as possible.  Unlike it’s very similar cousin, Anna Karenina (Alicia Vikander stars in both), this film doesn’t come off as depressing in spite of its dark subject matter.  A

Badlands: The Criterion Collection

Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Terrence Malick (Tree of Life) came on the scene in a big way with this crime drama based on the Starkweather-Fugate killing spree of 1958.  Essentially breaking the careers of Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek, as well as Malick’s own, Badlands is an almost ethereal retelling of a horrible event in the most beautiful of ways.  I would have loved to have seen a commentary show up with the set, but the many special features do give good cause to watch.  Among them is a new documentary with Sheen, Spacek and Art Director Jack Fisk as well as a 1993 episode of the television program American Justice which shows the real events of the killing spree and makes you thankful that this movie wasn’t made to be as violent or disturbing as the real events.  B+

Veep: The Complete First Season
Rated TV-MA
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the vain, shallow and disrespected Vice President in this new HBO hit comedy.  You really hope that this is not an accurate representation of our nation’s leaders, but unfortunately you get the feeling it probably isn’t far from the truth.  That being said, the show is one of the best new comedies I’ve seen since Modern Family.  There are moments when I laughed myself silly and had to rewind to hear the dialog over my own guffaws.  The show’s biggest fault is that there are not enough episodes.  Good thing Season Two starts up in April.  A-

Star Trek Enterprise: Season One
Available on Blu-ray

Taking place over a hundred years before Kirk and Spock joined Starfleet, Star Trek Enterprise, or merely “Enterprise” to most Trekkies, is an excellent representation of the franchise that kept most fans very happy.  Starring Quantum Leap’s Scott Bakula as captain Jonathan Archer, the show worked largely because of the scaled down technology and the fact that they are just getting around to going to where no man has gone before.   Sure this one is probably mostly for the fans, but it is still entertaining for those of us who don’t attend the conventions as well.  B

New in Home Entertainment – March 19, 2013

New in Home Entertainment

March 19, 2013

Les Miserables
Rated PG-13 for suggestive and sexual material, violence and thematic elements
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

What a great time for home entertainment!  So many of my favorite 2012 films are hitting shelves this week and next.  But I’ll begin with my favorite film of 2012: Les Mis.  It was so important for the filmmakers to create a legacy with this musical turned movie.  After all, you really only get one chance.  Phantom of the Opera was practically ruined by inability but thankfully, director Tom Hooper and his multi-talented production team not only had the desire to do this project but the vision as well.  The story of Jean Valjean, a post-French Revolution ex-convict who escapes his parole only to positively impact every life he comes into contact with, is masterfully recreated here.  Hugh Jackman, Oscar winner Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried and many others turn in immensely powerful performances that will leave you emotionally drained by the end of the show.  The set contains some great special features including a look at the unique way in which the performances were captured.  My favorite feature though is the HD digital copy that comes with the blu-ray.  Most digital copy nowadays is standard def or even worse, the useless ultraviolet.  Universal, as far as I know, is the only studio allowing for you to put a 1080p copy on your system for replay on Apple TV or your mobile devices, making this set a must-own for your collection.  A+

Life of Pi
Rated PG for emotional thematic content throughout, and some scary action sequences and peril
Available on DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D

There was little surprise when director Ang Lee won the Oscar this year for Life of Pi.  If you read the book you were probably shocked that it could be translated to film.  Not only did they accomplish this extraordinary feat, but they did it in grand fashion.  And for those of you who ask the question “how can a movie mainly about a boy in a boat with a tiger be any good?”  My answer is I would have thought the same thing until I watched it.  Now I’m a believer.  The special effects are pretty magnificent here, but they are only there to enhance the storytelling.  This is a wonderfully crafted film full of imagination and wonder.  Personally, I’ve seen it four times now and still can’t get enough of it.  Every time I watch it I fall in love with it a little bit more.  A+

Zero Dark Thirty
Rated R for strong violence including brutal disturbing images, and for language
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

And yet another great film is the story of the manhunt and assassination of Osama Bin Laden as told by director Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal (both of The Hurt Locker).  Jessica Chastain, while not taking home the big trophy, easily put on the best female performance of the year as the young CIA agent whose work was responsible for bringing down the mastermind of Nine-Eleven.  Full of suspense and well-paced from start the finish, Zero Dark Thirty is a hugely important piece of filmmaking.  A

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Rated PG-13 for extended sequences of intense fantasy action violence, and frightening images
Available on DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D

I was so underwhelmed by the theatrical release of this highly anticipated prequel to The Lord of the Rings, merely because director Peter Jackson insisted on presenting the film in high frame rate 3D, which completely distracted me from the story.  But now on Blu-ray where I have my smoothing effect turned off on my TV, I was finally able to sit back and enjoy the film the way I prefer to see it, and I must admit that it really is a great movie.  I’m still not sure we need three parts to this somewhat short story, but as for this first leg of the journey – it’s a doozy.  B+

This is 40
Rated R for sexual content, crude humor, pervasive language and some drug material
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Sold as a sort of sequel to Knocked Up, Judd Apatow’s latest dramedy spells out suburban life for a couple in their 40s.  Apatow’s real-life wife Leslie Mann stars opposite Paul Rudd as a couple struggling with reaching their middle ages and all of the drama that comes with it.  Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of laughs to be found here, but it is just as serious as it is funny.  The biggest critique is there is too much going on, causing the film to come in at 134 minutes, way longer than a comedy has the right to be.  Slicing out a few subplots would have helped this project tremendously.  B-

Rust and Bone

Rated R for strong sexual content, brief graphic nudity, some violence and language
Available on DVD and Blu-ray
French with English Subtitles

Marion Cotillard (Dark Knight Rises) turns in a Golden Globe nominated performance here as a killer whale trainer who loses her legs in a horrible tragedy, only to then fall in love with a single father/fighter who is unable to meet her emotional needs.  To say this film is depressing is an understatement, but a surprise turn at the end saves it from becoming a dismal fall off the cliff as you might expect it to be.  C+

New in Home Entertainment – March 12, 2013

New in Home Entertainment

March 12, 2013

Rise of the Guardians
Rated PG for thematic elements and some mildly scary action
Available on DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D

While maybe not the best animated film of 2012, Rise of the Guardians was certainly one of the most under-appreciated.  In this universe, Santa, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, Sandman and Jack Frost fight an evil villain named Pitch in order to save children from being infected with nightmares.  While at times its a bit cheesy, the filmmakers take the project so seriously that you have to show appreciation mostly for its earnestness.   But it is also a beautifully animated film with one of the best scores of the year written by Alexandre Desplat.  Some parents might find it to be a bit too scary for small children but older kids will eat it up and have a blast.  B+

Red Dawn
Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense war violence and action, and for language
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

This remake of the 1984 cult classic pits the US vs North Korea (instead of the Russians) when the North Koreans find a way to invade Spokane, Washington, leaving a small group of teenage rebels, led by Chris Hemsworth (Thor), to protect their town.  The movie starts out interesting but quickly fizzles once it slows down enough for you to actually think it through.  As stupid as this plot is, there is a large minority of Americans who see this scenario as the inevitable future, thus making this movie into more of an NRA training video than a piece of poorly-crafted fiction.  That being said, the movie is only slightly better than the horrible original, and not good enough to be found enjoyable by most.  C-

Rated R for alcohol abuse, language, some sexual content and brief drug use
Available on DVD and Blu-ray

Smashed tells the story of an alcoholic couple torn apart when the wife (Scott Pilgrim vs the World’s Mary Elizabeth Winstead) makes the decision to quit drinking and the husband (Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul) doesn’t want to take the journey with her.  The film itself is well-enough acted and has a very personal feel to it, but neither of the characters earn empathy until Paul’s heartbreaking performance in the last minutes of the film.  Personally, I found Flight to be a much more touching and interesting tale of drug and alcohol abuse but I have no doubt that both films will have a large audience to connect with.  C+

Jay and Silent Bob Get Irish!
Available on DVD

The famous indie filmmaker writer/director Kevin Smith and his best friend Jason Mewes recently went on a world tour performing by simply sitting on stage and talking off-the-cuff with their audience.  This new DVD release shows off their Dublin sets as well as a bonus disc with their stop in Vegas.  While completely vulgar and certainly not for everyone, the concerts are funny and surprisingly entertaining and even more surprisingly, each show is different, showcasing that these two have a crazy talent for making people laugh.  B-

Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack the Giant Slayer
Starring Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ewan McGregor and Stanley Tucci
Directed by Bryan Singer (X-Men)
Rated PG-13 for intense scenes of fantasy action violence, some frightening images and brief language

    Loosely based on the classic fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack the Giant Slayer follows the journey of a young man named Jack, obviously, played here by Nicholas Hoult, fresh off his last modest success Warm Bodies.  Upon selling his horse for a handful of magic beans, Jack proceeds to accidentally lose one, causing a giant beanstalk to grow into the clouds.  Unfortunately it takes his house with it while a young incognito princess is paying a visit and trapped inside.  Upon learning of her disappearance, the king sends Jack, the queen’s sinister fiancé (Stanley Tucci) and his royal guard, led by Ewan McGregor to rescue her.  Upon arriving at the top of the beanstalk, they discover an evil race of giants determined to travel back to Earth in order to destroy humankind.

    I expected much from this film.  I expected it to be lame.  I expected it to be dumb.  I expected to be bored.  I was wrong on all counts.  Recently we’ve seen a rash of movies based on fairy tales including Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters and the two Snow White films from 2012.  With the exception of Snow White and the Huntsman, all of these movies have been fairly terrible.  So then along comes Jack and you can probably see why I didn’t think much of it.  But I can always admit when I’m wrong, especially with movies. 

    What really impressed me the most here is the combination of storytelling with phenomenal special effects.  I’m not sure if the 3D was necessary, but the effects are remarkable, making the story come to life like only a big-budget Hollywood film can.

    If the film doesn’t do well, the only thing I can think of that could be blamed is the lack of starpower.  None of the actors is really capable of opening a big film, and as much as I really like Hoult, he is an indie actor with only an indie following at this point in his career.  I’m sure the producers are depending on director Bryan Singer to put butts in seats and I’m not sure if that will happen.  But regardless of celebrity status, the performances are all good for the project and more importantly the film is plain old fun.  It’s not perfect, but it is highly enjoyable.  And if you are anything like me, that will come as a huge and pleasantly welcome surprise.  B+