Popcorn Perspectives with Danny Minton
Week of October 24, 2022

Black Adam
Rated PG-13 for sequences of strong violence, intense action and some language
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 39%
In Theaters
What was once planned as part of the next Shazam movie quickly evolved into its own adventure when DC saw the potential for a standalone project with Dwayne Johnson on board, and thusly flipped the script. Black Adam was very much seen as a villain, or at least an anti-hero, within the DC universe. In the context of this story, an evil organization corners a group of freedom-fighters in a fictional Middle Eastern country when one of those cornered accidentally lets loose the long hibernating ancient god into the world. While not necessarily the good guy, he goes after the really bad guys in super violent ways, inadvertently helping the people gain hope of a free country again. But when a group of heroes called the “Justice Society” learn of his power and potential danger, they step in to try to capture him in the hopes of reigning him in. Much of the film is a big loud mess, but in spite of its darkness, it manages to possess a sharp sense of humor, as would be expected in a film starring The Rock. The attempt to bring Black Adam into the DC universe clouds the story with a bit of overreach, but I understand the reasoning, even if I don’t agree with it. Overall, the film provides for a good enough genesis story for a relatively unknown comic book character and manages to propel him into the larger world of heroes within the chaotic and disjointed DC franchise. B-
Wendell & Wild
Rated PG-13 for violence, brief strong language, substance abuse and some thematic material
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 85%
Streaming on Netflix
This highly-anticipated stop motion animated flick from director Henry Selick (The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline) stars comedy superstars Key and Peele (Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele) as two demons who are brought down to Earth to assist a troubled girl haunted by the death of her parents. Wildly creative and with all of the hilarity you would expect from these two, the story is unconventional yet not too dark to find enjoyable. Selick has always excelled in the macabre, and this collaboration proves to be a successful use of his talents. Perhaps the biggest winner here is Netflix, which could very well win itself an Oscar for animation this year with three of the best-reviewed animated films of the year: Apollo 10 1/2, W&W and the upcoming Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio. They are competing with the mouse house in ways many of us didn’t see coming. A-