Legislators for Sale

    While this is a movie blog, I figure that since my day job is in health care, I can occasionally throw in something fascinating when I see it. 

    I don’t mind that people do or do not want a public health care plan, as long as they know why and they desire to learn all of the facts.  I hate that so many folks, especially in the conservative movement, sheepishly do what they are told, thinking that it is for their best interest, even when it is not.  This is insane.  I knew that an argument such as “the public health care plan wants to kill all the old people” would have to arise just because stupid arguments like this work so well on the weak-minded.  I don’t know for sure that the new plans being proposed are in this country’s best interest, but I want to hear the debate – not listen to closed-minded ignorant people that should be keeping their mouths closed.  A discussion needs to take place, but it’s hard to discuss when ears and minds aren’t open. 

    I do find it very interesting that supposedly the government can’t run anything well, but yet the managed care organizations are spending millions upon millions of dollars to keep them from even having a chance to try.  What are they scared of?  If the government really can’t do a good job, then it will fail, or maybe they know something we don’t…

    The following is from Keith Olbermann on MSNBC.  Some call him a liberal.  He calls himself an American.  I could care less.  I just think he has some very valid points.  Some very scary points also.


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