Popcorn Perspectives with Danny Minton
Week of August 10, 2020

Boys State
Rated PG-13 for some strong language, and thematic elements
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 94%
Available on Apple TV+
This Sundance documentary winner follows a group of over a thousand young men who descend upon the Texas State Capital for a week of teenage politics and other fun during its famous Boys State week. In true Cinéma vérité style, the filmmakers start off following a select number of boys, for whom I can only assume they had high expectations for, as the boys run for political positions and even the final prize of Governor. The film starts out as fun and frivolous as the parties discuss platforms such as standing up for things like state cessation and alien invasion defense (space aliens obviously). But as the more serious discussions head to abortion and second amendment rights, the politics get uglier showing the true colors of those who are willing to do anything to win and those with high ideals trying to create change in their communities and country. It is both deeply funny, yet also frightening, as you see what could be the future leaders of America and how much trouble we could be in if underhanded tricks and propaganda keep working on those casting their votes. But overall, this movie is so engaging and filled with hope as you see the young men work out in their heads, both in word and action, what they hope to accomplish today and tomorrow. A